A Catholic church usher often performs duties before, during and after mass. Our Usher Ministry represents the face of St. Dominic to the many who come to worship as part of our faith community. In the St. Dominic Catholic Church community, Ushers arrive early and stand inside church doors to welcome those who enter for worship; assist people in finding seating; bring in extra chairs if needed; pass collection baskets; take collection up to Father if no one has been assigned; attend to any needs that might arise; attend to emergencies; hand out bulletins as people leave; help straighten up church after Mass. The overall goal of Usher Ministry is to perform tasks that foster the community’s full participation in the liturgy from the time anyone enters the church. | Who Can Serve? Anyone, 18 years of age or older, is invited to join the usher team. Training is provided by experienced ushers and or the head usher. | How to Join Interested individuals can contact the executives or any member of the Usher Ministry. MEETING DAYS