St. Dominic Marshallan Association
| Brief History of The Noble Order of The Knights And Ladies of Marshal l The Noble Order of the Knights and Ladies of Marshall is a historical Catholic Friendly society founded along the lines of the Order of the Knights of Columbus of the United States of America. It is a Catholic Fraternal Organization in West Africa and London with its Supreme Headquarters in Sekondi, Ghana, and aims at bringing Catholic men and women together in the practice of Unity, Charity. Fraternity and Service. The objective of the Noble Order is to bring together Catholic men and women for effective lay apostolate and Catholic action and provide that friendly social forum for Catholic men and women, who might otherwise be attracted into other non-Catholic secret societies. The order was named to immortalize Sir James Marshall, a Scotsman and a Catholic layman who served as Chief Justice in the British colonial service in the Gold Coast, and who through his instrumentality championed and espoused the re-founding of the Catholic church in the Gold Coast in the year 1880 after nearly 250 years of the breakdown of the first Catholic Church established by the Portuguese in 1482. The First Council of the Knights of Marshall was inaugurated and consecrated in Sekondi on 18th November, 1926 while the first Court was inaugurated and consecrated in Kumasi on 20th December, 1969. There are presently 143 Councils and 138 Courts spread throughout Ghana, Togo, Benin, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and the United Kingdom. | ST. DOMINIC MARSHALLAN ASSOSCIATION, TAIFA The St. Dominic Marshallan Association, Taifa is made up of Brothers and Sisters from various Councils and Courts who fellowship at St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa. The Association was inaugurated on the 12th of February 2017 under the sponsorship of Council 108 and Court 103, Pokuase. OUR MOTTO The motto of the Association, which is the same as that of the Noble Order is UNITY, CHARITY, FRATERNITY AND SERVICE. Our slogan is, MARSHALLANS……………UNITY | AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF THE ASSOCIATION
- To actively participate in Parish activities and lay Apostolate work in the Church.
- To help with the teaching of religious instructions and to undertake voluntary work, to promote Parish projects.
- To enhance fraternity among members
- To organize activities such as lectures, symposia, retreats and other social activities aimed at helping members as well as members of other Marshallan Associations, to develop their educational, cultural, spiritual and moral well-being.
- On behalf of Council No. 108 and Court No 103 and other Councils and Courts belonging to the Association to offer all preliminary fraternal assistance due to bereaved brothers and sisters of the Association.
- Recruit more members for the expansion of the Noble Order and towards the consecration of a new Council and or Court at the Parish.