About two thousand people in one spirit and mind thronged the St. Dominic Catholic Church, Taifa, on August 27, to witness the dedication of the Church and mission house to God and climax the 30th anniversary of the Church.
The much anticipated ceremony brought together priests, religious, faithful of the Church and well wishers from various dioceses across the country.
The rite for the dedication of a church and altar is considered among the most solemn liturgical services, and because the Church is a visible building and stands as a special sign of the pilgrim Church, and also reflects the Church dwelling in heaven, every Catholic Church according to Canon1217, must be dedicated or at least, blessed within the shortest possible time.
The solemn rite which uses the symbol of water, Chrism oil, incense and in some cases a relic of a saint, was led by the metropolitan Archbishop of the Catholic Archdioceses of Accra, Most Rev. Charles Palmer Buckle with the assistance from Rev. Monsignor Francis Twum-Barimah, vicar general of the Catholic dioceses of Koforidua, who happens to be the priest to have celebrated the first ever Mass for the Church in Taifa.
Also present were the parochial administrator and Parochial Vicar, Rev. Frs. Emmanuel Obeng Cudjoe and Courage Senam Dogbey, Frs. Emmanuel Duku, John Boevi SVD and Fr. Andrew Setsofia SJ, as well as religious sisters of the Church.
Speaking in his homily, Most Rev. Charles Palmer-Buckle said, “The sprinkling of water should always remind us that we were baptized in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and so as we enter into a relationship with the risen lord, we must be clean.”

He noted that attending Mass on time to be part of the penitential rite, prepares the Catholic spiritually to be part of the Lord’s Supper.
He added that the Altar in the Catholic Church is not a mere table but a representation of Christ and should be treated as such.
He urged Catholics and Christians to let their lives reflect their faith and to be weary of things that become a hindrance between them and their God.
In a goodwill message, the first Parochial Administrator, Rev. Fr. Ernest Dugah together with Frs. Emmanuel Obeng Cudjoe and Courage Senam Dogbey said, “We strongly believe that this dedication will provide the St. Domininic family with a new perception and enlightenment regarding commitment and worship of Yahweh, the true God in his Temple.
Again, parishioners will henceforth, wake up to a new challenge and explore the immense opportunities available to build on her fortunes for growth of her church here in Taifa.”
According to them, the dedication is a dream come true.

The day also saw some members of the church receive the sacrament of confirmation, making them strong Christians and soldiers of the Church and the blessing and unveiling of a statue of St. Dominic the preacher donated by a Church member, Mrs. Esther Hamilton.
As it stands now, the Church in Taifa is the latest to have been dedicated, but still awaits in anticipation to be elevated to a parish status.
Souce: www.ghanaweb.com